Legal Notice

Last updated on 08/08/2024




Valencia 5 Estrellas S.L. (hereinafter, “V5E”), Tax ID No. B-02.765.733, registered in the Valencia Companies’ Register, Page V-195193, Volume 10894, Folio 209.


Address: C/ Bomber Ramón Duart, 12, Valencia (Valencia), 46013.

Email address:




This Legal Notice regulates access to the Website (hereinafter, the “Website”), and the use of the contents and services made available to users (hereinafter, the “User(s)”) who access it.


The purpose of the Website is to provide Users with information about our services and products (hereinafter, “Services and Products”) and to provide the means by which Users can contract and pay for the Services and Products offered. The use of the Website by Users implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions included in this Legal Notice.


V5E reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice at any time.


Some Services and Products offered through the Website are subject to special terms and conditions of purchase and conditions that must be accepted by Users. The Services or Products offered on the Website, together with their characteristics, descriptions and total price, will appear on screen. By contracting these Services and Products, the User fully and unconditionally accepts these documents in the version published by V5E at the time the contract is formalised.



V5E will not be liable for damages of any nature that may arise from the access or use made by the User of the Website or of the information or content hosted therein.


V5E will not be liable for any damages that may be caused by the existence of viruses or other elements that may cause damage to the computer systems, electronic documents or User files of this Website or third-party apps or websites.


Furthermore, V5E will not be liable for any interruption, error or failure that occurs in the system as a result of a malfunction of the network or the servers connected to it.


V5E reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website, as well as the provision of any or all of the content or Services and Products provided through the Website, at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, control or maintenance reasons, due to power failures or for any other justified cause.


V5E is not responsible for the content of the information contained on the Website, nor for any opinions, comments, assessments or any other statement contained therein that are not issued directly by V5E.


The responsibility for the use of the Website therefore lies with the User, who undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services, and not to use them to (i) carry out activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order, (ii) cause direct or indirect damage to V5E, its suppliers or third parties, and/or (iii) attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other Users.


The User will be liable for all damages of any nature that V5E or any third party may suffer as a result of a breach of any of the obligations to which they are subject by virtue of this Legal Notice or the law in relation to access and/or use of the Website.


V5E will make efforts to ensure its Website is accessible and easy to use for the widest possible audience, regardless of their capabilities.


    • Outbound links

V5E is not responsible for the content and information of the websites of third parties that the User may access through the links established on its Website. Likewise, it does not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of web pages that are not its property and which can be accessed through the links.


V5E declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any damage that may be caused to users of its Website as a result of browsing on its Website. Consequently, V5E will not be held liable, under any circumstances, for any damages that the User may suffer as a result of surfing the Internet.


  • Inbound links

Third parties are not authorised to link from their own websites/apps to the Website without the express prior consent of V5E.

In the event that a third party is authorised to use a link, this use will be made in accordance with the limitations and purposes set out in the authorisation.

V5E may request, at any time and without having to provide reasons for such request, that any link to the Website be removed, after which the person responsible for the linking website must immediately remove the link.



All the intellectual property rights derived from the content of this Website, its graphic design, sound or visual compositions, audiovisuals or computer applications expressed in any code or language belong to their legitimate owners, who also have exclusive rights to exploit them. Therefore, access to the content on the Website does not grant Users any rights over it, and Users may not alter, modify, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate it, nor may they exercise any other right corresponding to the owner of the right in question without the express and prior authorisation of the latter.


Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or any distinctive sign of any kind contained on this Website are protected by law, and are the property of their legitimate owners, and all rights to them are reserved. They will therefore be works protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, and both Spanish and Community legislation in this field, as well as international treaties relating to the matter and signed by Spain, will be applicable to them.



V5E reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate to the Website without prior notice, and it may change, delete or add both the content and services provided through the Website and the way in which they are presented or located on the Website.



The personal data provided by Users during the use of the Website or for the contracting, payment and provision of the Services or Products will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available on the Website.


Users must read and accept this Privacy Policy before providing their personal data.



The relationship between V5E and the User will be governed by current Spanish law and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia.

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