
Last updated on 4 June 2023


In accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, as controller of the website, Valencia 5 Estrellas SL (V5E hereby) informs all users that any personal data they provide, or will provide, will be processed as part of V5E’s processing operations, in accordance with Article 30 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection (hereinafter, GDPR), as well as Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

This Privacy Policy governs the processing of personal data on this website, which is controlled by V5E.

Data Processor:


Address: C/ Calle Bomber Ramón Duart, 12, Valencia (Valencia), CP 46013.

Tax ID No.: B-02.765.733.

Registered in Page V-178955, Volume 10398, Folio 57 of the Commercial Register of Valencia.

Contact e-mail: rgpd@roigarena.es.

Purpose of processing:

V5E will process data relating to users of its website or its other activities in order to:

  1. Request Information

Manage requests for information submitted to V5E (information about projects, queries, etc.).

  1. Contact

Send invitations to V5E Events (inaugurations, galas, conferences, press conferences, talks, etc.).

  1. Concerning event attendance:

Manage the number of attendees and other security issues. Similarly, it is possible that in order to promote events held at the Roig Arena, attendees to such events may be photographed and recorded for publication in newspapers, on social networks, in other media outlets, on websites, etc. As a result, the image and voices of attendees may be recorded, provided that they have given their prior consent.

  1. Newsletter

Regularly send communications via e-mail containing information about V5E’s activities.

  1. Job applications:

To process your application to work with us, as well as manage the selection process for any vacancies, hold interviews or group sessions or incorporate you into the organisation.

  1. In general:

Your data will be used in order to comply with legal obligations.

Data storage time limits and conditions

V5E will only store the user’s personal data for the time required in order to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, or for as long as legally required, where appropriate.

Categories of data processed

V5E collects all data directly from the data subject and, depending on the part of the website in question, will process the following categories of data:

– Identification data: name, surname, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number.

– Academic and professional data.

– Electronic communication metadata.

– Website traffic data.

– Images and/or voice recordings and/or videos.

Each of the forms available on the website will indicate which data are mandatory or voluntary in order to provide the service requested. Failure to provide mandatory data will make it impossible for V5E to provide the service requested. If there is no indication as to whether a field is voluntary or mandatory, the field will be mandatory.

The user agrees to provide accurate data and communicate any changes. In the event that the user provides data relating to third parties, the user will be solely responsible for obtaining the third party’s consent and informing them of the contents of this privacy policy, and the user frees V5E from any responsibility in this regard.

If the user is under the age of 18 years old, the aforementioned will require the prior consent of their parents or guardians before providing their personal data in any of the different forms available on the website.


V5E has a legitimate interest in processing personal data in the following ways:

– The legal basis for responding to requests for information is the legitimate interest to resolve queries and requests submitted by users.

– The legal basis for sending communications relating to activities, invitations to Events, Galas, etc. to users with whom it has previously maintained a relationship, is V5E’s legitimate interest pursuant to current legislation (Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on Information Society Services and e-Commerce).

– For job applications, the legal basis is the initial application and any pre-contractual agreement.

– The legal basis for sending electronic communications related to V5E’s activities (newsletters, bulletins, news, promotions, etc.), to individuals with whom the company has no previous relationship, is based on the individual’s consent, which the individual can withdraw at any time.

– Independently of the previous point, V5E may use the information it has in order to fulfil its legal obligations.

Furthermore, you are hereby informed that the consent obtained from users shall be independent for each of the purposes listed, and the user may withdraw their consent for each purpose individually.


  1. Disclosures

V5E will disclose information to the following parties:

– Mailing and hosting companies.

– Public authorities and State Security Forces and Bodies, according to any legal obligations that may apply.

Additionally, information will be shared if necessary to suppliers that provide services that are required in order for V5E to operate (Data Processors) and collaborating organisations, in order to fulfil its commitments.

  • International Transfers

There are no planned international transfers of the data subject’s data.

Users rights

As the data subject, the user has the right to:

– Know whether V5E is processing their personal data.

– Access their personal data.

– Rectify their personal data whenever it is inaccurate or incomplete.

– Erase their personal data, whenever the reason for which it was acquired no longer applies, the user has withdrawn their consent, etc.

– Oppose the processing of their data in certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation. V5E will cease to process their data, except where there are overriding legal obligations to do so or their data is required for the defence against potential legal claims.

– Request the portability of their data.

– Withdraw their consent to V5E.

In addition, the data subject may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if they believe that V5E has violated their rights or has not acceptably addressed their wish to exercise their data protection rights. Their contact details can be found on their website: www.aepd.es.

Users may communicate their wish to exercise their rights to V5E at any time and for free by sending a written request, indicating the specific right they wish to exercise, with a document attached accrediting their identity (National Identity Document or Passport), to any of the following:

– By post to V5E (GDPR: Exercise of Rights) C/ Calle Bomber Ramón Duart, 12, Valencia (Valencia), CP 46013.

– By e-mail to rgpd@roigarena.es with the subject “GDPR: Exercise of Rights”.


V5E reserves the right to make any modifications it deems necessary to its portal, without prior notice, including changing, removing or adding content and services provided by means of the aforementioned, as well as their location and the way they are presented on its portal.


The relationship between V5E and the USER will be governed by current Spanish law and any dispute shall be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the City of Valencia.


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